Move Your ScissorTAIL Sports + Wellness

Wellness programs are a cornerstone of Scissortail Park’s mission to enhance the community’s quality of life. 

From April through October, we offer a variety of FREE classes and programs including weekly Zumba classes, Yoga at Farmers Market, HIIT (High-intensity Interval Training) classes, Pickleball lessons, and a volunteer-led Walking Club that meets on Thursdays and Sundays. 

Move your ScissorTAIL free classes are Sponsored by: First United Bank, Kroger Delivery & TSET

FREE Weekly Classes

FREE classes open to all ages and skill levels.

April – October
Saturdays | 9-10am
Sky Rink Event Pavilion, Upper Park

Instructor: Emily Otero

April – October
Saturdays | 9-10am
Farmers Market, Upper Park

Instructors: Aschley Ramjak and Amber Ramjak

Thursdays and Sundays | 8-8:30am
Meet at the Rangers Station (Thursdays)

Meet at the Boathouse (Sundays) 

HIIT, High-intensity Interval Training
Wednesdays | 6-7pm
Sports Pavilion, Lower Park

Instructor: Lori Matthews

FREE Pickleball Class
Every other Tuesday | 6-7pm
Pickleball Courts, Lower Park

Tuesday, April 8

Tuesday, April 22

Please join us for FREE Pickleball classes led by the USA Pickleball Association.

Learn the basics of the game, meet new people, and enjoy the beautiful scenery here at Scissortail Park!

Pickleball Classes will be held at our Pickleball Courts sponsored by E.L. and Thelma Gaylord in Lower Park.

Classes are limited to 32 participants per class to allow for more one-on-one interactions with our instructors.