The Farmers Market at Scissortail Park

The Best Market in the city!

Our popular Farmers Market, located at the corner of Oklahoma City Boulevard by the Promenade, has gained popularity due to the quality of it´s vendors´ products, service, location, the wide variety of produce, bakery, meats and artisans, as well as the great entertainment and wellness classes offered every week. We take pride in featuring the best local artists, singers, musicians and buskers, as well as the best Yoga teachers in the Metro.  

Our Farmers Market is unique to Oklahoma City as it is a Producer Only market which is a direct-to-consumer marketplace that is exclusively available for producers that raise, grow or make their own products. All items for sale at our market must be homegrown, handmade and/or vendor-created from locally-owned operations within the state of Oklahoma. 

The popular, drive-up loading zone on Oklahoma City Boulevard called the Veggie Valet is highly appreciated by our visitors and it continues this season. Guests are invited to hold their packages at the Veggie Valet as they shop, and then pull their cars up for curbside package pickup. How cool & convenient is that? 

How it all started

After Scissortail Park opened in September 2019, one of our first signature events was a Fall Market coordinated by our Director of Horticulture and Grounds, Lance Swearengin. The market was immediately a success while it ran during the month of October 2019.

The popularity of our new space in downtown Oklahoma City, attracted the attention of the president of Oklahoma State University’s Oklahoma City (OSU-OKC) campus. OSU-OKC had an existing farmers market program on campus a few miles from the Park that had run for many years. As the University sought to make some changes on-campus, they proposed a partnership with Scissortail Park.

In May 2020, the OSU-OKC Farmers Market at Scissortail Park debuted. Mary Bixler was the market’s first manager hired for her experience and passion for local food systems and providing fresh produce to the community. Mary was instrumental in launching Scissortail Park’s farmers market nutrition assistance programs including SNAP, SFMNP and DUO, and for establishing our operation as a 100% Oklahoma producer-only market – the first of its kind in the area.

After our two-year partnership with OSU-OKC came to an end, we renamed the market the Farmers Market at Scissortail Park, and secured grant funding from the United States Department of Agriculture to continue to grow our program.

Since then, we have grown to a Market with 50+ vendors serving downtown OKC and the south side each Saturday from 9-1pm, April through October.

Food Benefits & Member Discounts

Thanks to local farmers markets like this one, everyone can enjoy the mouthwatering taste of fresh, locally grown food. From organic produce to local dairy, grain and protein products, farmers markets offer tons of fresh options to help you eat healthier. Plus, when you buy local you help more than just yourself, you help support farmers and their families from around the community too.

The Farmers Market at Scissortail Park offers nutrition assistance programs including including Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Assistance Program (SFMNP), and Double Up Oklahoma (DUO)

At the market, there are several different ways to pay for fruits, vegetables and other products. Bring your (EBT) Card or your Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) card, and stop by the information table to learn how to use your benefits. Not all markets participate in all programs. We accept cash or credit/debit cards that can also be used at the vendors’ tents.

Scissortail Park Members receive some great discounts from select vendors at the farmers market. Don’t miss the opportunity to become a member to support the Park and buy at a discounted price.  

Our Vendors

A+H Urban Farm
Crow’s Farm
Mauch Family Farm – NEW
Tanglefoot Farms – NEW                                                        Rooted Farm –NEW


Benjamin Lee Bison (Bison)
Big Grass Beef (Grass fed beef)
REFARM (Pork and beef)
Spring Fed Family Farms (Pork) – NEW
WH Yardbirds (Chicken)

Granny Had One
Prairie Thyme Farm – NEW

Plant Wisdom Garden Center

Half Moon Harvest

Aunt Esther’s Cookie Co. – NEW
Bavarian Pretzels
Granny Had One
Jack’s Bakehouse                                                                          Julia´s Kitchen
K’s Bakery
Kiowa Foodie Love Child Biscuits & Scones
Little Mouse Bakes
Rose Bakery

Central Oklahoma Honey Farm
Cody’s Honey
Granny Had One
Scissortail Honey

Knight Pecan Farms – NEW

Acuna Matata Sandwich Box
(Breakfast sandwiches, overnight oats)

David’s Smok’n Barbeque
(Ready-to-eat BBQ)

Hank’s Salsa Co.
(Salsa and chips)

Kettle Popstars
(Kettle corn)

Wondervan Pops

A Wild Garden – NEW
(Fermented products – kimchi, vinegar, bokashi for compost)

David’s Smok’n Barbeque
(BBQ sauce and BBQ)

(Freeze dried candy)

Motley Gourmet
(Fresh fruit spreads)

The Spice Girl Kitchen 

Sweet Spirit Foods
(Jarred salsa, BBQ sauce, relish, pickles)

The Bakers Companion – NEW
(Flavored baking extracts)

Uptown Jerky

Vatsana’s Hot Sauce
(Hot sauce)


Acuna Matata Sandwich Box
(Fresh lemonade)

Angry Scotsman Brewing – NEW

Black Atlas Coffee
(Small batch coffee)

Roam Coffee
(Iced coffee)

Skydance Brewing – NEW
(Local brewery)

Stonecloud Brewing
(Local brewery)

Tiny Bubbles
(Local beer, prosecco)

Alice Wolf
(Graphic designer – Oklahoma landmarks)

(Resold books)

Delta 13 Forge – NEW
(Forged knives)

Glassy Girls
(Stained glass sun catchers)

Goodies Unlimited
(Soaps, lotions, balms)

H&M Pottery
(Ceramic pottery)

MoonGlow Maven
(Candles, wax melts)

Sage & Elm Apothecary
(Plant-based skincare)

Artists, Singers & Wellnes Programs

Community is a fundamental aspect of experiencing the market, and that is why we have put special efforts to bring out the best local artists, musicians, singers, comedians, vocal groups, and wellness teachers and coaches. Music tends to unite people, forming bonds that might not exist otherwise. It connects different cultures, promoting diversity and growth. Exercise promotes health and friendship, and that is why we are the preferred choice for Free Yoga classes! 

Humankind and art cannot function without one another. Music, as we know, sets a mood and a vibe as we hear it in any environment, that is why the Farmers Market at Scissortail Park has become one of the most popular venues to shop! We strive to bring music and arts for our diverse visitors of all ages. Our market is more than a great venue with quality products, great customer service and great entertainment, it is a place that promotes culture and community!          

The more options we have for people to enrich their lives and minds, the better it is for our Oklahoma society. 

Our Team!

What makes a Farmers Market successful?
Farmers Markets need to have a solid group of vendors, but also, in order to build trust and loyal customers, the market should be constant, reliable and well-advertised.  That is when the importance of a solid team comes in! Scissortail Park is lucky to have a great, diligent group, working towards the market´s success. This team consist of Kathryn Galier, Natasha Robinson and Madahi Lozano running the market logistics and Stacey Aldridge & Libni Coffman running the marketing efforts. We are also supported by a consistent group of volunteers and a strong facilities team led by Angel Santiago and Paul Robb. 
Natasha Robinson | Farmers Market Coordinator
Kathryn Galier | Farmers Market Manager
Madahi Lozano | Farmers Market Coordinator

I’m Natasha, I’ve been on the farmers market team since March 2023 and with Scissortail Park since November 2021. I’ve always had an interest in things dealing with the local economy and anything to do with local foods, so I love that the Farmers Market at Scissortail Park is producer only because you know the produce or products you are getting aren’t bought from somewhere else and then sold here.

Getting to know the vendors and getting to see the comradery they have with each other feels really special. Seeing our vendors help each other set up their tents, unload product, recommend each other to customers, etc. really shows what good people our vendors are, and I feel lucky to get to work with them every week. 

Also, getting to see how excited our guests are to be at the market is a wonderful feeling. Whether it’s a family stocking up on produce, a small kid taking delight in Wondervan Pops or some of Acuna Matata’s lemonade, or folks just coming to enjoy the music and a tasty pastry from Jack’s Bakehouse, it’s always great to see people out enjoying the market and the park!

To me, one of the most important parts of our Farmers Market is making local food accessible to the community. 

It’s great to have our vendors participate in nutrition assistance programs such as SNAP, DUO, and SFMNP. One of my favorite things is working at the Info Tent and explaining the DUO program to SNAP users. When they hear they qualify for a $20 benefit match which they can spend on fresh fruits, vegetables, and plants that grow food, they are thrilled! Participating in these programs expands and diversifies the customer and guest base of the market as a whole.

I’m thankful to have worked alongside Mary last year to learn firsthand how she and Lance began the Farmers Market at Scissortail Park. The foundation she laid for this program during her time as Manager was crucial to a smooth transition when she left the position to pursue other opportunities. This season we’ve got an amazing Farmers Market team that has worked hard to grow the Saturday Market and launch a new Mid-Week Farmers Market! Our Farmers Market has become a signature event for Scissortail Park and Oklahoma City, so I can’t wait to continue to see it grow and consider myself lucky that I get to play a part in its impact on our community!

I am Madahi Loazno. I joined the Farmers Market team in mid-April 2023. I have always been drawn towards environmental sustainability and helping the community. With the Farmers Market I am able to see what our vendors do in order to take advantage of their resources in a sustainable way, and being able to provide them with a place to sell their produce and products while receiving community recognition.

One of my favorite parts about the market would be hearing about the stories behind our vendors’ businesses. Most of them decided from one day to another that this is what they want to do, and because of determination and resilience they were able to do it. They are very inspiring individuals and makes you realize that anything you propose yourself can be done!

Compost Program

Ever wanted to get started composting your food scraps but don’t have the time or space? We’ve got you covered!
The Farmers Market at Scissortail Park Compost Program, supported by a grant from the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, is a unique program offered every Saturday, where you can bring your food scraps to get converted into compost! We not only accept the waste and turn it into compost, we let you to take some for FREE every month! 
Every second Saturday of the month, at the green tent by Love’s Travel Stops Stage; come over and say Hi to Ranger Kasey Meek and Horticulturist Ky Dodson; they will answer all your questions about composting and will give you finished compost to use in your garden or house plants in return! How awesome is that? 

Our New Mid-Week Market

Don´t forget to join us for our next Wednesday Mid-Week Farmers Market at Scissortail Park on the last Wednesday of the month! This market is located in the Lower Park section of Scissortail Park south of Interstate 40 and the Skydance Bridge.
The Hill Pavilion and Songbird Plaza are closest to the intersection at South Robinson Avenue and SW 15th Street close to the Oklahoma River. Free parking is available around the southern end of the Park and in the lot at SW 15th and South Harvey Avenue. Stop by after work to shop some of your favorite producers along with many new vendors including five new farms!
Funding for the Farmers Market at Scissortail Park was made possible by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant AM22FMPPOK1095-00. 

The Farmers Market at Scissortail Park is Sponsored by: Bank of Oklahoma Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma & Renewal by Andersen of Oklahoma.